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Shoulder is one of the most mobile joints in our body and it can be a hard joint to treat due to the amount of movement it has.  

Shoulder mobility can leave the tendons, muscles and the ligaments susceptible to injury, shoulder pain can be caused due to many factors. Book in with one of our qualified therapist to get your shoulder pain checked with us at Ideal Physiotherapy.


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An adult human head consists of 8% of the whole body mass, pain in the neck can be literally a pain in the neck. When left for a longer time pain in the neck can cause a lot of issues at Ideal Physiotherapy our trained therapists will assess your neck and shoulders; create an individualised program for you and help you get to your goals. 

Education plays a great role in management for your neck pain and our therapists will provide you with recent updated research with neck pain and how to manage it. 

Exercise therapy is one of the most effective ways in managing neck pain

Book A Pillow & Neck Assessment